SII Romania is an environmentally-responsible business enterprise committed to identifying and evaluating environmental risks associated to its business activities, as well as maintaining responsible and efficient use of natural resources.
- Informing SII Romania suppliers about the compliance with these policies.
- SII Romania is committed to internally apply all applicable law or government requirements regarding the protection of the environment.
- Identification of the potential risks and definition of the measures to be implemented and the corrective processes to be applied to solve them in case they occur.
- Execution of periodical internal audits with the different responsible in order to warranty the understanding and appliance of these policies and control with reports their real status of appliance.
- Definition of “responsible organizational chart” for the responsibility, supervision and support on the implementation and maintenance of the policies and responsibilities of this Environment Management System.
- To keep informed the employees, subcontractors and suppliers regarding the policies and responsibilities of this Environment Management System.
- To keep all the documentation and records related to the Environment Management System stored securely.
- To apply the measures for the proper use of the recycle bins and the consumption of energy and water, setup goals and monitoring the consumption being able to understand their progress and the achievement of these goals.
- To provide periodical training to the employees of SII Romania for them to understand and be aware of the content of these policies and responsibilities and the commitment of SII Romania to the environment protection cause.
Results and goals:

SII Romania provides a safe work environment, implementing a strategy for identifying, evaluating, and controlling potential hazards and risks linked to its business activities, as well as for occupational injury and illness prevention. We are committed to ensuring a work environment suitable for fostering innovation, knowledge management, and creative initiatives, as well as employees’ integral well-being and quality of life.
- Child labour: SII Romania does not use child labour and does not encourage the use of child labour.
- Young workers labour: SII Romania is compliant with the legal requirements.
- Forced and compulsory labour: In SII Romania the forced and compulsory labour is prohibited, the organization does not tolerate and does not engage in any way in the traffic of human beings.
- Discrimination:
- SII Romania provides a work environment where all the employees have equal opportunities to work and contribute to the success of the company. The right to work is not restricted to any employee.
- In the labour relations is forbidden any direct or indirect discrimination based on age, sex, nationality, religion, physical or mental disability, ethnic origin, political option, sexual orientation, or any other personal characteristics considered disadvantaged/ unfavorable under the law.
- Disciplinary practices:
- SII Romania treats all the employees with dignity and respect.
- SII Romania will not tolerate under any circumstances the corporal punishment or mental, physical and verbal pressure.
- The working time:
- SII Romania agrees to comply with the working hours, during normal working time, including overtime, established by the labour contract. SII Romania has implemented a reporting system with the daily working hours and activity of the employees.
- The remuneration:
- For the work performed, each employee is entitled to a salary, agreed in the individual labour contract.
- The remuneration of the personnel is based on the importance and complexity of the job under the terms established in the labour contract.
- Health and Safety:
- The occupational health and safety is an integral part of all activities of SII Romania.
- SII Romania takes all the necessary measures to protect the health and safety of the employees, through periodical evaluation and review of the risks of injury and occupational disease, so that these risks can be identified and in order to implement the necessary measures of protection and prevention.
- SII Romania maintains written records of the work incidents/accidents, in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations.
- SII Romania provides a safe and healthy work environment by:
- Periodical audits on the Health & Safety measures implemented by the company
- Providing regular trainings to the employees
- Trainings for the use of fire extinguisher
- Executing evacuation simulations
SII Romania conducts business honestly and with integrity in compliance with all local laws and regulations, as well as the highest and rigorous standards of the industry. We are committed to assigning and optimizing both human capital and technological resources to create value and competitive advantages across markets, implementing the best practices, and strengthening our organizational learning and development process.
- Financial Integrity and Accounting: Not engage in any actions that could result in conveying false or inaccurate financial information to employees, customers or suppliers.
- Dealing with Government Clients: Respect to all laws, rules, regulations, including procurement regulations, and contract clauses that govern the acquisition of goods and services by government entities.
- Business Integrity: To comply with all applicable local and foreign laws and corporate rules and principles to avoid any type of bribery, corruption, extortion or embezzlement. All business dealings will be transparently performed and accurately reflected on the corporate business books and records.
- No Improper Advantage: Bribes or other means of obtaining undue or improper advantage are not to be offered or accepted. It is not allowed for SII Romania’s employees to keep for themselves any type of gift delivered by any customer, supplier or employee, in case that a gift is received the employee must deliver it immediately to the Administration Department.
- Anti-Trust and Competition Laws: To be fully compliant with all applicable antitrust and competition laws and regulations.
- Competing Fairly: To compete fairly and ethically for all business opportunities.
- Intellectual Property: To be responsible for protecting the client’s intellectual property rights.
- Privacy: Participants are to commit to protecting the reasonable privacy expectations of personal information of everyone they do business with, including suppliers, customers, consumers and employees.
- Respect and Dignity: To provide the employees with a work environment free of coercion, discrimination, and harassment.
- Acquiring Products from Unauthorized Sources: Not acquiring products from partners of suppliers from unauthorized sources.
- Monitoring / Record Keeping: To maintain documentation reasonably necessary to demonstrate the compliance with this Code of Conduct.